Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO)

Co-Designing a First Nations Outcomes-Based Funding Framework

2020: This project involved more than 50 First Nations people in co-designing an outcomes-based funding framework for the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO). Co-design processes helped to develop and validate indicators for measuring actions, outcomes and impacts, and a multi-stage feedback approach. Traditional Owners of Aboriginal country in Victoria were participants and custodians of the work.

A key component was supporting ‘Rainbow Mob’ colleagues to design funded work streams and outcomes that could be included in the ongoing work of VACCHO. This included creating opportunities for private and shared discussion among staff where LGBTIQ+ concerns and interests had not yet been incorporated in the work of ACCHOs in Victoria. It required careful advocacy and the acknowledgment of existing and historic power imbalances in perceptions of LGBTIQ+ people.